Did you ever imagine a simple report function can turn out to be your must trusted advisor? Simple for you to use, yet exhaustive and complicated AI algorithms are working in the background to make sure you have the most comprehensive picture of your patient’s session summary.
So much more than just bulks of data hard to sort through and interpret, our Smart Report PRO shows you the most accurate results, analyzes trends of improvement, allows for incredible personalization, and learns about you and your patients the more you use it.
Du kan gå tillbaka i tiden och söka efter vad som helst av intresse. Få ett genomsnitt av förbättringar av alla intresseområden över tid och se hur risker, matrisobjekt, känslor etc. beter sig. Du kan se vilka områden du arbetat mest med och hur förbättringar sker i ett visst tidsspann.
And if that is not enough, it will also pinpoint issues you might have forgotten, drawing your attention to an item or category that appears in the highest risk areas, to make sure you are not missing any important health aspect related to your patient.
Kombinera din terapeuts intuition, kunskap och erfarenhet med vår AI, och du har en perfekt matchning!