QX World’s OMNIS software enables you to smoothly manage all your energetic visualization from one central screen and allows for complete control of the full spectrum of acknowledged medical holistic ways of thinking.

Top class reliability

Top class reliability, field-proven by over 12,000 installations worldwide

Continuously enhanced

Continuously enhanced, maintained and improved for maximized efficiency

User friendly maintenance

One click, user friendly, easy start and update options via dedicated desktop app


Omfattar allt det osynliga

En av grunderna i QX Worlds OMNIS-programvara är användningen och sammanlänkningen av flera kända områdeni holistisk kunskap. Den grupperar innehållsfönster som logiskt hör ihop, som sedan kan användas som ett "element" som tas upp under din energiska hälsosession. Olika områden kan antingen genereras automatiskt av programvaran eller skapas av dig som användare, beroende på din kunskap och/eller syftet med sessionen.

Mer kraftfull och effektiv

Den kraftfulla programvaran QX World OMNIS kommer att öka din praktiska effektivitet och spara många timmars dyrbar tid. Tack vare systemets avancerade möjligheter och länkning mellan olika kunskapsbanker behöver du inte längre dyka djupt in i varje holistisk sjukvårdskunskap för att generera och bemästra all information själv.


QX Worlds OMNIS är resultatet av mer än tio års intensiv forskning och många år av stort engagemang för hälsovårdsindustrin. All denna gedigna expertis har samlats till en mycket pålitlig programvara som ger maximal drifttid till dina energiska hälsosessioner.

Långsiktigt stöd och support

QX World’s Software Care program assures that via 6-monthly version updates for the OMNIS software and with it the complete database system is kept secure, and new feature improvements are added to answer your evolving session needs.


Biofeedback Interface Graphics (BIG)

Curious to see how your device performs in real time? Our Biofeedback Interface Graphics (BIG) module is designed for just that! Monitor the device's output, connection status, and immediate feedback—all integrated seamlessly with our OMNIS software. Using techniques inspired by traditional biofeedback, the BIG module assists users in achieving a greater sense of balance and self-awareness. It helps them understand and manage their responses, enhancing their connection with their inner capabilities. This comprehensive tool is an excellent way to support your journey towards optimal personal wellness.


Transform the way clients view their wellness pathways with the Body Viewer. This tool enriches OMNIS sessions by providing high-quality visual enhancements and a 3D experience that incorporates visualization and guided imagery for balanced wellness. With a comprehensive library of audio-visual materials enriched with vibrational and auditory stimuli, the Body Viewer deeply involves clients in their wellness process. It constantly syncs with OMNIS for tailored session adaptations, offering both manual and automated protocol flows to enhance personal well-being.

Degen Scan

A supporting program that works with subtle impulses and allows for the possibility to work on an existing concern, if known, to apply light entrainment. From user friendly design, multiple training threads, to checks focused on emotional versus physical stressors, the Degen Scan has it all! Degen Scan is built on the same principle as Quantic Biofeedback, helping the practitioner find the causes of distress, work on balancing these factors, and building the path back to wellness from there on.

Disease Dictionary

Contrary to what its name states, this OMNIS module is anything but your typical library function. It translates a concern into multiple ways of natural medicine designed to address it and reduce the stress factors associated with it. Click on an item in the list and you are rewarded with a range of natural protocols and advice, from Chinese Oriental Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Behavioural Medicine to the more conservatory Medical Definition and Symptom Check. As it runs together with OMNIS and all the other modules, you then have the option to work on multiple concerns at the same time and give your clients the best possible care.

Home Use

Intricate part of OMNIS, the Home Use module is “home” to your automated session base, quick and easy to use, one of the most favourite modules amongst our practitioners. You can personalise a session on the spot, choosing from more than 25 protocol options, with individual timings and an overall progress view. Ideal for returning clients that want to work on specific concerns, an impromptu client drop by, or even a self-focused session. Outstanding results while being time efficient!


Complement your OMNIS Software with an additional program that uses the superpowers of Iridology. Working in perfect harmony with your OMNIS, you can simultaneously run the two programs together and use the Iridology to provide light additional focus for an exhaustive range of stress factors. From acupuncture points to specific eye related stress, the Iridology focuses on factors in the following areas: Facial, Eye, Gums, Dental, Quadrant Repair, Eye Hand Coordination, Sacred Geometry, General Anatomy and many more. As easy to use as you can imagine! Choose your protocol, double click and let your QUEX device carry out the optimal balancing!

Smart Report

Engage more effectively with your clients using the Smart Report, which simplifies session data into visual, easy-to-understand formats that enhance client interaction and practice growth.

Smart Report PRO

Transform your practice with the Smart Report PRO, your ultimate advisor. This advanced tool uses sophisticated AI algorithms to provide comprehensive session summaries, trend analyses, and personalized insights. It learns and adapts to each client, enhancing your therapeutic intuition and expertise with powerful, data-driven support.

Additional Stand-alone Apps

Att sluta röka kan vara väldigt svårt. Men det behöver inte vara det! Med Anti-S kan du nu stötta dina klienter med att hålla nere lusten att röka, med hjälp av Quantum Biofeedback teknik.

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"S-enso" designades för att ge dina klienter en djup avslappningsprocess med hjälp av subtila vibrationer i QUEX-systemen. Denna ledande teknologi är den första i sitt slag som arbetar med att slappna av musklerna som orsakar ansiktslinjer, rynkor och ohälsosamma hållningsmönster samtidigt som den bearbetar personliga tankemönster som skapar stress och spänningar.

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Alla förtjänar att känna sig andligt och känslomässigt balanserade. Och nu kan du få nyckeln till det med "Prayer". Programmet är designat för att fördjupa avslappningsövningar, minska stressfaktorer och balansera vardagens toppar och dalar.

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