Everyone knows that being in motion is absolutely necessary in order to become and remain healthy. Our genes and physiology, which are still almost identical to those
Going on a diet, it seems, is easier than ever. Whatever it is you strive to achieve regarding your body, a quick Google search is
Especially in flu season, people take recourse to immune-boosting foods like broccoli, beetroot, ginger, vitamin C-rich citrus fruits, garlic, turmeric, spinach, green tea and berries.
Borrelia är en potentiellt allvarlig sjukdom som ofta förknippas med fästingbett. I den här artikeln går dr Márta Simon igenom symtomen. I tillägg till detta,
Neurologen Dr. Márta Simon tar emot klienter i alla åldrar på sin mottagning. En av dem är triathlonentusiasten Thomas (43). Vid ett tillfälle var hans kamp
Even though a baby might be born completely healthy, they are immediately faced with external toxins and pollutants that can affect their health for the
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