Biofeedback, or better said, quantum biofeedback, can work wonders for humans. But does it work on animals as well? That’s a great question. Animals, after all,
Biofeedback, or better said, quantum biofeedback, can work wonders for humans. But does it work on animals as well? That’s a great question. Animals, after all,
The human body consists of trillions of cells that function as the smallest units of any living creature. A common saying is that cells are
The devices used for quantum biofeedback therapy apply principles of electric engineering, sending soft electric pulses through the body. Clients regularly ask us whether quantum biofeedback therapy is
Our immune system is a fabulous system. Over the millions of years of our evolution from a single-celled living species to Homo sapiens, the complexity
Worldwide, millions of people suffer from allergies. For some, the symptoms vary from sneezing to a runny nose. For others, allergies cause headaches and other debilitating
Exercițiile fizice sunt bune pentru sănătate. Dar când și ce fel de efort sau exercițiu este cel mai bun? Dacă ne uităm strict la bioritmurile noastre și
‘In The QX Loop’ is a brand new magazine for you as a health counselor and your clients and this with an eye on a broader
People who want to quit smoking tend to do better when biofeedback is thrown into the therapy mix. Discover how biofeedback can help you break the vicious circle of
Trăim în vremuri mai aglomerate ca niciodată, confruntându-ne zilnic cu tot felul de presiuni. Nu este de mirare, prin urmare, că mulți adulți și copii suferă
Nowadays, there is more and more scientific evidence that many chronic diseases are largely due to our Western way of life. Processed foods, eating too
Quantum biofeedback can be an effective tool for people looking to improve their health in numerous ways. While many quantum biofeedback therapy sessions focus on physical
Sistemul nostru imunitar este un sistem fabulos. Este bariera primordială dintre mediul nostru intern sau "lumea interioară" și lumea exterioară, care este
Event speakers • QX Webinars 2020 Prof. Desiré Dubounet The IMUNE Professor of Quantum Medicine. The conceiver and driving force behind the establishment of IMUNE
The human body consists of trillions of cells that function as the smallest units of any living creature. A common saying is that cells are
Biofeedback teaches you to control your body by measuring involuntary body functions (such as heart rate, breathing pattern and muscle tension) and feeding that information back
Acneea este o afecțiune a pielii de care suferă mulți oameni, atât bărbați, cât și femei. Dar ce este aceasta și, mai ales, cum se dezvoltă?
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