

BodyViewer – Are You Using its Full Potential?

Doriți să aflați mai multe despre biofeedback prin imagini ghidate?

If your answer is yes, then follow our next QX WORLD webinar with Dr Faith Nelson to get a profound insight on how to use the BodyViewer at its full potential.

You will be able to learn which OMNIS panels or trainings to connect to specific BodyViewer options and in which cases.

De asemenea, veți dobândi o înțelegere mai profundă a sincronizării perfecte, a posibilităților de automatizare și a celor mai eficiente interconexiuni între client, OMNIS și BodyViewer dintr-o perspectivă holistică.

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Cursuri gratuite

QX World Online Congress 2021 - Smart Report: secretul unei clientele de succes, loiale și sănătoase de Gage Tarrant

Ne-am întors cu un alt webinar din seria noastră de congrese QX 2021! De această dată, îl primim pe Gage Tarrant ca următorul vorbitor care ne va furniza - în detalii complexe - secretul unei clientele de succes, loiale și sănătoase. Un subiect bine important în lumea afacerilor și cheia absolută a succesului!

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How to Use the Electro-Physiological-Oscillations Panel – Dr. Faith Nelson

If you would like to have a deeper understanding of the interplay of the brainwaves, the muscle tension, the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and their display in OMNIS, then your place is definitely here with us at our next webinar, titled: “How to Use the Electro-Physiological-Oscillations Panel”!

This time your teacher will be Dr Faith Nelson who has been an RN in the healthcare profession for over 40 years, with emphasis in Allopathic and Integrative Medicine. Her experience crosses all disciplines and areas of expertise in the Alternative and allopathic health care fields.

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Nutrition Profiling for All – Etelka Anebtawi

While you may know that malfunctions in our digestive systems are responsible for a multitude of more complex health issues, observing the connections between stressors and (the lack of) proper nutrition can’t be covered enough! 

For our this course, please welcome Etelka Anebtawi, who will guide you through the OMNIS-pathway with a heavy focus on nutrition, and will help unravel the hidden correlations and causes between stressors and the endocrine and digestive systems. 

Observing these causalities and correlations through the lens of biofeedback sessions have never been more important, and we firmly believe that Etelka’s expertise with our platforms will grant you novel and unique insights to what you can achieve with your sessions for your clients.

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