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Yes, it’s finally here! We are thrilled to present to you ‘The Biofeedback Book’, written by our co-founder and CEO Andreea Taflan.
At 16, Sarah had been battling teenage depression for over two years. Her once vibrant personality had dulled, replaced by a constant feeling of fatigue
Biofeedback has yielded some remarkable results in adults dealing with numerous types of conditions. But is biofeedback useful and safe for children, too? It certainly
Animals are unable to tell us what is troubling them. Reversely, we cannot get them to understand what changes they need to become healthier. However,
Biofeedback are multe avantaje pentru persoanele care se luptă cu sănătatea lor. Cu toate acestea, și furnizorii de servicii medicale au o mulțime de motive să includă biofeedback-ul în
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