Seasonal Series – Welcome to our Late Summer Vitality Webinar!



Welcome to our Late Summer Vitality Webinar!

As the seasons transition and nature reaches a point of balance, we find ourselves in the unique phase of late summer. In today’s webinar, we explore the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and delve into the significance of the late summer season for our well-being.

Late summer is associated with the Earth element in TCM, symbolizing a period of abundance, nourishment, and balance. This is the time when the energy of the Earth element is predominant, and the Spleen and Stomach organs take center stage. Understanding how to support these organs during this season is key to promoting vitality and wellness.

In TCM, late summer is a time for grounding and centering. It’s a phase of transition between the expansive energy of summer and the contracting energy of autumn. By aligning our habits and diet with the principles of TCM, we can enhance our digestive health and overall well-being during this important season.

Join us as we explore the nourishing power of late summer foods and TCM practices that can guide us towards optimal health. Let’s harness the vitality of this season and cultivate a sense of balance and abundance in mind, body, and spirit.

Together, let’s embrace the late summer vitality and nourish ourselves for the seasons ahead!