We are happy to announce that in early October we are going to be back with a new and improved on-site congress. Now that we are able to travel again, our next mini-congress will take place at our beloved classroom at the QX Headquarters, in Budapest.

It will be the first opportunity to see each other in person again after a very long period of being apart and we couldn’t be more excited about standing united again!

The QX World – The Real Reunion congress will be an exclusive event, registration is limited to 50 attendees, for 599 EUR per head.

Do not miss it! Book your ticket now and join us in person at the QX World Headquarters between October 4th and 8th!

04oct(oct 4)8:00 uur08(oct 8)17:00QX World Congress - The Real Reunion 2022Laten we elkaar weer persoonlijk ontmoeten!

Congress programme

Training registration
Introducing your QX Universe – Andreea Taflan
Big applause for our Best Immune “Buddy” – Silky Polifka
Rejuvenation, how to stay young – new developments – Wim Verschelden
Release, Relax and Rebuild – Margrét Margrétardóttir
Adaptation of Spiritual, Mental & Emotional knowledge to OMNIS sessions – Botan Diler
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Refresh the basics, deepen the knowledge! – Silky Polifka
Big applause for our Best Immune “Buddy” – Silky Polifka
Rejuvenation – How to Stay Young – Wim Verschelden
Release, Relax and Rebuild – Margrét Margrétardóttir
Adaptation of Spiritual, Mental & Emotional knowledge to OMNIS sessions – Botan Diler
Refresh the basics, deepen the knowledge! – Silky Polifka
Big applause for our Best Immune “Buddy” – Silky Polifka
Rejuvenation – How to Stay Young – Wim Verschelden
Release, Relax and Rebuild – Margrét Margrétardóttir
Adaptation of Spiritual, Mental & Emotional knowledge to OMNIS sessions – Botan Diler
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Refresh the basics, deepen the knowledge! – Silky Polifka
Big applause for our Best Immune “Buddy” – Silky Polifka
Rejuvenation – How to Stay Young – Wim Verschelden
Release, Relax and Rebuild – Margrét Margrétardóttir
Closing of the Congress – Andreea Taflan
Dinner Together!
End of the day
End of the day
End of the day
End of the day

*The programme above may be subject to change.

**The congress can be subject to eventual restrictions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hungary is perfectly safe to travel to, there are no apparent signs of the currently ongoing conflict in the neighboring Ukraine. 

The lifting of epidemiological entry restrictions means that, from Monday the 7th of March 2022, travellers can enter Hungary without the need for vaccination or immunity certificates, or any kind of test or quarantine obligation.

During the congress sessions we are dedicated to create a safe environment to our visitors, so that during the congress lectures, each and every guest of ours can sit at a healthy distance from the other participants.

QX World is en blijft in de eerste plaats het kenniscentrum voor gezondheidsprofessionals, therapeuten, academici en artsen die meer willen weten over lifestyle medicine en hoe te werken met onze biofeedback apparaten.

We are convinced that if our therapists and healthcare providers can get to know the healthcare ideas behind the QX World devices and integrate them into their practice, this will contribute to a healthier world. We believe that this is more than ever a necessity…

Ik kijk ernaar uit om je daar te zien!