Mitokondriene, nøkkelen til å forstå sykdommer, aldring og selve livet!
“How to Boost & Optimize your Mitochondria, the “”powerhouse”” of your Cell! Mitochondria are crucial to our overall health! Improving the status of our mitochondria
“How to Boost & Optimize your Mitochondria, the “”powerhouse”” of your Cell! Mitochondria are crucial to our overall health! Improving the status of our mitochondria
Electricity, biological speed, quantum physics, morphogenetic fields, trivector, bioresonance, biofeedback, complementary medicine, stress reduction and healthy aging is today the norm of orthodox modern medicine
How to maximize rectification values connecting with the 5 levels of consciousness to release stress in stored memory patterns
Gage is covering all four levels of supporting clients for fertility, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Panels demonstrated will include nutrition, NLP, Spinal, and Homotoxicology.
In this Webinar, Wim will be demonstrating the link between Motivation, Energy Distribution and Endurance with a short side track of differing Burn Out and
In this lecture we talked about what „holistic dentistry“ is all about. We covered the devcelopment of the milk-teeth and transition into adult-teeth, the tooth-
Stress. Overwork. Unhealthy lifestyle – who wouldn’t recognize these concepts? An increasing proportion of our society is suffering from some form of chronic illness. Our
En generell tilnærming til hvordan man gjør en dyp balanseringsøkt på et dyr (uansett art, størrelse eller form)
Aging is a natural process and not a dis-ease state. If we maintain good health and take proper care of our bodies, minds, and emotional
"Jeg bar på en enorm, usynlig byrde, og gikk gjennom hver dag med et tungt hjerte og en sliten kropp. Jeg lurte på hvorfor jeg var så
Fordi helsevesenet hittil har hatt liten økonomisk støtte, har biofeedback-teknologien hatt vanskelig for å nå ut til et bredt publikum. Heldigvis har endring
Sommerutgaven av "In The QX Loop" har endelig kommet, og gir deg din månedlige dose med holistiske helseprodukter og mye mer! Hvem er magasinet for? For
Biofeedback teaches you to control your body by measuring involuntary body functions (such as heart rate, breathing pattern and muscle tension) and feeding that information back
The human body consists of trillions of cells, which are the basic building blocks of life. To survive and stay healthy, cells rely on organelles
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+1 (856) 322-8589