Animal Webinar
Fundamentals of equine and canine skeleton, especially in relation to biomechanics.
Fundamentals of equine and canine skeleton, especially in relation to biomechanics.
Showcasing the functionality and capabilities of the new software.
Excited about the Beginners Guide content but have questions bubbling up? Join Faith Nelson and Margret Margretardottir for a FREE online Q&A webinar! Share your
Excited about the Intermediate Guide content but have questions bubbling up? Join Susan Harms and Margret Margretardottir for a FREE online Q&A webinar! Share your
Learn how to manage and overcome obesity, diabetes, and sugar addiction. Understand the root causes of these conditions and how Quantum Biofeedback can help regulate
Understanding chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, and offering hope and solutions for those facing these challenges. Explore techniques to manage chronic pain, enhance quality
Understand the hormonal changes during menopause and learn strategies to manage symptoms effectively with Quantum Biofeedback. Discover how to balance your hormones naturally, reduce hot
Izgatottan várja a Kezdők útmutatójának tartalmát, de kérdései vannak? Csatlakozzon Margrethez és Dr. Faith Nelsonhoz egy INGYENES online kérdezz-felelek webináriumon! Ossza meg
Holisztikus terápia mellrák és autoimmun betegségek esetén Borellia és Lyme-kór
Ülésindítás: A demográfia, a bioritmus, a kalibrálás és a tesztelés áttekintése
Following a successful first and second edition, the third edition of In the QX Loop magazine has finally arrived. You can request your paper copy
Unresolved emotional trauma can have a profound impact on our bodies, including our relationship with food. Having struggled with a compulsive eating disorder since she
On some days, we are thriving in the morning, burned out in the evening. On others, we are barely able to come up with two
EXPERT TALK by Bölcskei Mónika A sportban olyan sportolók mutatják be hihetetlen teljesítményeiket, akik könnyedén - vagy úgy tűnik, hogy könnyedén - kiemelkednek a saját területükön. Ez hagyja
A teste folyamatosan visszajelzést ad a közérzetéről. Ha például stresszesnek érzi magát, a szívverése megemelkedik, és a keze izzadni kezd. Ha fáradt, akkor lehet, hogy
Because there has been little financial backing by the healthcare industry so far, biofeedback technology had a tough time finding a mainstream audience. Fortunately, change
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