Hogyan előzhetjük meg a 2-es típusú cukorbetegséget - vagy hogyan tarthatjuk kordában?

Are is no question about just how serious type 2 diabetes is. However, if you are determined enough, three simple changes to your lifestyle can help prevent this increasingly common disease, or at least keep its symptoms under control.  

What is type 2 diabetes? 

  • The most common type of diabetes  
  • Affects approx. 90% of diabetes patients worldwide   
  • Risk factors include obesity and unhealthy diet   
  • Mostly found in older people  
  • Number of young patients is on the rise  

In people with type 2 diabetes, the body suffers two malfunctions which are intertwined. On the one hand, the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin (the hormone regulating blood sugar levels) to deal with sugar intake. On the other hand, cells don’t respond well to the insulin that is produced. They take in less glucose, resulting in excess sugar remaining in the bloodstream.  

3 ways to prevent type 2 diabetes

Lowering your risk of developing type 2 diabetes mostly comes down to making healthy lifestyle choices, both physically and mentally.  

  1. Adopt a low-carb diet  

The first step in balancing your blood sugar levels to prevent type 2 diabetes is a egészséges táplálkozás. Most dietitians recommend three meals a day, with calculated amounts of carbohydrates and some healthy snacks in-between. A low-carb diet not only helps with weight loss but also ensures that blood sugar levels rise gradually. That helps the body dodge the bullet of a sudden blood sugar spike.  

A well-balanced, low-carb meal can consist of a generous amount of non-starchy vegetables that are high in fiber and a moderate amount of starchy food, with the addition of some meat or a meat substitute.  


Low-carb foods 

  • eggplant  
  • broccoli  
  • cauliflower
  • spinach  
  • cabbage  
  • carrots  
  • tomatoes  
  • …  


Starchy foods 

  • brown rice  
  • cooked beans  
  • pasta
  • potatoes   

   2. Moderate exercise 

Exercise also plays a crucial role in managing type 2 diabetes. About 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise of moderate intensity every week is ideal. Things like biking and running and occasional resistance training will effectively help lower blood glucose levels. A sedentary lifestyle, by contrast, tends to have the reverse effect.  

   3. Stress management 

In addition to bad dietary habits and a lack of exercise, another risk factor associated with type 2 diabetes is stress. While stress alone does not cause diabetes, high levels of stress hormones can reduce the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas. It is no wonder, then, that more and more studies show that stress and anxiety management methods such as biofeedback can also help keep type 2 diabetes under control.   

Know that your body is unique 

We hope you find this article helpful and insightful. Please bear in mind, though, that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to managing type 2 diabetes as no two bodies are identical. In addition to reading articles like this to keep yourself informed on a general level, we recommend seeking personal advice from a professional, for example a biofeedback specialist, to know what lifestyle changes best suit your situation. 


Andreea Taflanról 

Andreea Taflan a QX World vezérigazgatója és társalapítója. Vállalatirányítást és marketinget tanult, valamint mesterdiplomát szerzett Public Relations és kommunikáció szakon. Andreea 2005-ben a biofeedback technológia eredeti fejlesztőjének jobb keze lett, 2012 óta pedig ő vezeti a technológia továbbfejlesztését. Jelenleg a QX World szoftver- és hardverrészlegét egyaránt vezeti, és a biofeedback egyik legjobb szakértőjének tartják a biofeedback területén. 

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