Does biofeedback work for animals, too?

quantum biofeedback animals

Biofeedback – more specifically biorretroalimentación cuántica, has been shown to work wonders for humans. But can it help animals, too? That’s a great question. After all, animals can’t tell us what’s wrong or consciously make changes to improve their health.The answer is yes! In fact, quantum biofeedback may be especially well-suited for animals because it communicates directly with the unconscious mind.  


And now, with NOAH®, our revolutionary biofeedback software designed specifically for animals, biofeedback is more accessible and effective than ever. This non-invasive, gentle approach to animal wellness integrates seamlessly with the QUEX S® and QUEX ED® biofeedback systems to optimize animal health. 

Beyond the surface

Animals may not be able to tell us what’s wrong, but NOAH® eliminates the need for words by tapping into the subconscious. Quantum biofeedback works through electrical pulses that communicate with the unconscious parts of the brain. As an advanced form of biofeedback, qbiorretroalimentación uantum requires no effort from the client o el animalen absoluto. 

El cuerpo como circuito eléctrico

Curious about how quantum biofeedback works? It all starts with understanding the body as an electric circuit. Just like humans, animals possess what quantum biofeedback scientists call the body electric. In a healthy state, all cells function at their ideal frequency, as nature intended. However, when the body experiences stress or anxiety, alergias, adicción, or illness, the cells in the brain, body, and immune system may begin to vibrate at altered frequencies. This imbalance causes them to emit disrupted electromagnetic waves. 


This is where NOAH® comes in. Mediante la integración pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) technology, NOAH® goes beyond traditional biofeedback methods to help rebalance energy at a cellular level. Running different NOAH® protocols, the dispositivo de biorretroalimentación cuántica sends electric pulses through the body, identifying and filtering out disruptions. In addition to detecting potential health issues, it works to reeducar el cuerpo. By directing a carefully calibrated loop of electromagnetic waves through the system, the device attempts to restore balance to cells with abnormal frequencies. 

¿Es doloroso? En absoluto.

Muchos pet propietarios wonder whether quantum biofeedback is painful for their beloved animal. The answer is no—whether using a traditional dispositivo de biorretroalimentación o NOAH®, the experience is completely safe and gentle. Inf act, most people undergoing this type of sesión de biorretroalimentación don’t feel a thing while hooked up to the quantum biofeedback device. Similarly, animales often find the experience relajante—some even fall asleep during their sessions!

The key to effective biofeedback for animals? Relaxation

For biofeedback to be effective, the animal must be in a relajado state. That’s why NOAH® is designed to bring biofeedback to animals, rather than forcing animals into an unfamiliar environment.


Tips for a successful NOAH® biofeedback session: 

  • Keep the animal in a familiar space – a comfortable environment maximizes relaxation. 
  • Involve the owner – most pets are more relaxed when their human is nearby. 
  • Use NOAH®’s specialized protocols – the custom animal-focused technology ensures more accurate readings and better results.

Take animal wellness to the next level with NOAH®

With the introduction of NOAH®, biofeedback for animals has reached new heights. This state-of-the-art system enhances traditional biofeedback therapy, giving  pet owners, veterinarians, and holistic animal practitioners a powerful tool to improve animal health and well-being.


Good to know: NOAH® is available as a downloadable module for QUEX S® and comes pre-installed on QUEX ED®. 


Watch the NOAH® demo session 

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