The Disease Dictionary Contrary to what its name states, this OMNIS module is anything but your typical library function. Focused on health case, this is
Investigate the hyper-reactivity stress profile approaches at your disposal with the Biofeedback Holistic Method and discover a roadmap to new solutions! Your own knowledge of
Health is a choice and we made it yours! This new series of webinars starts with Andreea, co-founder or QX World, answering a fundamental question:
¿Quiere saber más sobre la biorretroalimentación con imágenes guiadas?
If your answer is yes, then follow our next QX WORLD webinar with Dr Faith Nelson to get a profound insight on how to use the BodyViewer at its full potential.
You will be able to learn which OMNIS panels or trainings to connect to specific BodyViewer options and in which cases.
También obtendrá una comprensión más profunda de la sincronización perfecta, las posibilidades de automatización y las interconexiones más eficientes entre el cliente, el OMNIS y el BodyViewer desde una perspectiva holística.
Coming soon!
If you would like to have a deeper understanding of the interplay of the brainwaves, the muscle tension, the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and their display in OMNIS, then your place is definitely here with us at our next webinar, titled: “How to Use the Electro-Physiological-Oscillations Panel”!
This time your teacher will be Dr Faith Nelson who has been an RN in the healthcare profession for over 40 years, with emphasis in Allopathic and Integrative Medicine. Her experience crosses all disciplines and areas of expertise in the Alternative and allopathic health care fields.
Si bien es posible que sepa que el mal funcionamiento de nuestro sistema digestivo es responsable de una multitud de problemas de salud más complejos, observar las conexiones entre los factores de estrés y (la falta de) una nutrición adecuada ¡no se puede abarcar lo suficiente!
For our this course, please welcome Etelka Anebtawi, who will guide you through the OMNIS-pathway with a heavy focus on nutrition, and will help unravel the hidden correlations and causes between stressors and the endocrine and digestive systems.
Observar estas causalidades y correlaciones a través de la lente de las sesiones de biofeedback nunca ha sido más importante, y creemos firmemente que la experiencia de Etelka con nuestras plataformas le otorgará perspectivas novedosas y únicas de lo que puede lograr con sus sesiones para sus clientes.
In The QX Loop' es una nueva revista para usted como consejero de salud y sus clientes, con la vista puesta en un mercado más amplio.
The limits to what biofeedback sessions can achieve are yet to be discovered. But even though there is still much left to explore, many already agree that it
Sí, ¡por fin está aquí! Estamos encantados de presentarles 'The Biofeedback Book', escrito por nuestra cofundadora y CEO Andreea Taflan.
Even though a baby might be born completely healthy, they are immediately faced with external toxins and pollutants that can affect their health for the
SEE THE TICKETS AND SCHEDULE We are happy to announce that in early October we are going to be back with a new and improved
La gente de nuestra sociedad actual tiende a beber todo el día, tenga sed o no. Sin embargo, si nos fijamos en nuestra evolución, nunca hemos hecho
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