Seisoenale reeks – Welkom by ons Summer Radiance Webinar!



As the sun reaches its zenith and nature bursts into full bloom, summer invites us to embrace the warmth and vitality that surrounds us. In today’s webinar, we dive into the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to discover how we can harmonize our well-being with the energy of the summer season.


Somer word geassosieer met die Vuur-element in TCM, wat helderheid, warmte en uiterlike uitbreiding beliggaam. Die Hart en Dunderm is die organe wat aan hierdie seisoen gekoppel is, wat ons lei om ons harte te koester en balans te handhaaf te midde van die lewendige energie wat die somer bring.


In the concept of Yin and Yang, summer leans towards Yang energy. This calls for a focus on cooling and hydrating foods that help us stay balanced in the heat. By aligning our lifestyle and dietary choices with the wisdom of TCM, we can enhance our resilience and radiate with the energy of the season.


Sluit by ons aan terwyl ons die voedsame krag van somervoedsel en die TCM-beginsels verken wat ons kan lei na optimale welstand gedurende hierdie seisoen van oorvloed. Kom ons benut die glans van die somer en kweek 'n gevoel van vitaliteit in gees, liggaam en gees.


Together, let’s shine bright and embrace the fullness of summer!