Omnis Power Session – Doeltreffendheid op jou vingers Deel 2 deur Margret Margretardottir



Iridology, Body Viewer and how to use the adjoining OMNIS programs to reach the full potential in your sessions

The Iridology

Komplementeer jou OMNIS-sagteware met 'n bykomende program wat die superkragte van Iridologie gebruik. Deur in perfekte harmonie met jou OMNIS te werk, kan jy die twee programme gelyktydig saam laat loop en die Iridologie gebruik om ligte "piggyback"-behandeling vir 'n uitgebreide reeks stresfaktore te verskaf. Van akupunktuurpunte tot spesifieke oogverwante klagtes, die Iridologie fokus op stresfaktore in die volgende area: Gesig, Oog, Gimnasium, Tandheelkunde, Kwadrantherstel, Ooghandkoördinasie, Heilige Meetkunde, Algemene Anatomie en vele meer. So maklik om te gebruik as wat jy jou kan voorstel! Kies jou punt van terapie, dubbelklik en laat jou QUEX-toestel die ideale balanseringsprotokolle uitvoer met die optimale intensiteit en sterkte.

The Body Viewer

Om die pad na gesondheid te stap, word soveel makliker as kliënte eintlik kan 'sien' wat reggemaak moet word!

Project visual enhancement with high quality videos during the OMNIS session! With the Body Viewer, you are literally able to offer your patients a 3D experience, using the combined effects of visualization and very specific guided imagery designed to aid the main session as light frequential treatment. A whole library of audio video material is at your fingertips, all amplified with a mix of vibrational, auditory and visual stimuli that will actively involve the client in the recovery process. The powers of guided imagery and positive reinforcement have tremendous effects on general wellbeing, or on a focused specific problem we want to address. The Body Viewer is in constant information exchange with the main OMNIS, auto focusing its subconscious choices using the results you obtain continuously during your session. You can make your own selections or run an automated flow of therapies that gets the most current information from the OMNIS!