In our previous post, we explained what biofeedback is and how it can help you control your body’s involuntary functions. Using a specialist device, a biofeedback therapist
In our previous post, we explained what biofeedback is and how it can help you control your body’s involuntary functions. Using a specialist device, a biofeedback therapist
When we look at our ancestors, our species “homo sapiens” has always been in motion. Exercise was necessary for survival because food had to be
Biofeedback teaches you to control your body by measuring involuntary body functions (such as heart rate, breathing pattern and muscle tension) and feeding that information back
Mense in ons huidige samelewing is geneig om heeldag lank te drink, dors of nie dors nie. As ons egter na ons evolusie kyk, het ons dit nog nooit gedoen nie
Is jy geneig om moeilik te raak of aan die slaap te bly? Ons hoor jou. Miljoene mense ondervind slaapprobleme wat nie opgelos kan word deur te tel nie
Om te kan konsentreer is nie 'n gegewe nie. Op sommige dae kan ons nie anders as om traag te voel nie, ons neem vir ewig om vir daardie belangrike toets te studeer of om
Musiek genees. Wanneer ons somber of hartseer voel, help musiek ons om deur ons hartseer te werk. As ons sukkel om te slaap, help dit om na die regte maatslae te luister
People have been using music to relax since, well, forever. But what kind of music works best? We figured it out and put together a
Aknee is 'n veltoestand waaraan baie mense ly, beide mans en vroue. Maar wat is dit, en bowenal, hoe ontwikkel dit?
Veral in die griepseisoen gebruik mense immuunversterkende voedsel soos broccoli, beet, gemmer, vitamien C-ryke sitrusvrugte, knoffel, borrie, spinasie, groen tee en bessies.
SIEN DIE KAARTJIES EN BYLAE Ons is terug met nog 'n geleentheid van ons QX 2021 Kongres webinar reeks! Hierdie keer verwelkom ons Gage
Ja, dit is uiteindelik hier! Ons is verheug om 'The Biofeedback Book' aan u voor te stel, geskryf deur ons medestigter en uitvoerende hoof Andreea Taflan.
Unresolved emotional trauma can have a profound impact on our bodies, including our relationship with food. Having struggled with a compulsive eating disorder since she
At 16, Sarah had been battling teenage depression for over two years. Her once vibrant personality had dulled, replaced by a constant feeling of fatigue
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