Omnis Power Session – Vorder saam met Omnis
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Wil jy meer weet oor bioterugvoer met begeleide beelde?
If your answer is yes, then follow our next QX WORLD webinar with Dr Faith Nelson to get a profound insight on how to use the BodyViewer at its full potential.
You will be able to learn which OMNIS panels or trainings to connect to specific BodyViewer options and in which cases.
Jy sal ook 'n dieper begrip kry van die perfekte tydsberekening, outomatiseringsmoontlikhede en die mees doeltreffende interkonneksies tussen die kliënt, die OMNIS en die BodyViewer vanuit 'n holistiese perspektief.
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Coming soon!
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Ons is terug met nog 'n webinar uit ons QX 2021 Congress-reeks! Hierdie keer verwelkom ons Gage Tarrant as die volgende spreker om ons te voorsien van - in ingewikkelde besonderhede - die geheim van 'n suksesvolle, lojale en gesonde kliënte. 'n Baie belangrike onderwerp in die sakewêreld, en die absolute sleutel tot sukses!
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If you would like to have a deeper understanding of the interplay of the brainwaves, the muscle tension, the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and their display in OMNIS, then your place is definitely here with us at our next webinar, titled: “How to Use the Electro-Physiological-Oscillations Panel”!
This time your teacher will be Dr Faith Nelson who has been an RN in the healthcare profession for over 40 years, with emphasis in Allopathic and Integrative Medicine. Her experience crosses all disciplines and areas of expertise in the Alternative and allopathic health care fields.
Alhoewel jy dalk weet dat wanfunksies in ons spysverteringstelsel verantwoordelik is vir 'n menigte meer komplekse gesondheidskwessies, kan die waarneming van die verbande tussen stressors en (die gebrek aan) behoorlike voeding nie genoeg gedek word nie!
For our this course, please welcome Etelka Anebtawi, who will guide you through the OMNIS-pathway with a heavy focus on nutrition, and will help unravel the hidden correlations and causes between stressors and the endocrine and digestive systems.
Die waarneming van hierdie oorsake en korrelasies deur die lens van bioterugvoersessies was nog nooit so belangrik nie, en ons glo vas dat Etelka se kundigheid met ons platforms jou nuwe en unieke insigte sal gee oor wat jy met jou sessies vir jou kliënte kan bereik.
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Unresolved emotional trauma can have a profound impact on our bodies, including our relationship with food. Having struggled with a compulsive eating disorder since she
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An estimated 50 million people in America experience some form of chronic pain despite taking prescription drugs and going through different types of treatment. In the
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Aknee is 'n veltoestand waaraan baie mense ly, beide mans en vroue. Maar wat is dit, en bowenal, hoe ontwikkel dit?
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