March 2025
27mar16:306:00 nmIntermediêre en Gevorderde Regstreekse V&A
Opgewonde oor die inhoud van die Intermediêre en Gevorderde Gids, maar het vrae wat opborrel? Sluit aan by Silky Polifka en Margret Margretardottir vir
Opgewonde oor die inhoud van die Intermediêre en Gevorderde Gids, maar het vrae wat opborrel?
Sluit aan by Silky Polifka en Margret Margretardottir vir 'n GRATIS aanlyn V&A-webinaar! Deel jou navrae, verbeter jou begrip en verdiep jou kennis.
Sluit aan by die regstreekse stroom
27 Maart 2025 16:30 - 18:00 CEST
Margret is a dynamic speaker and trainer with a remarkable journey of personal transformation and a deep passion for helping others. Her sporting background and experience as a handball trainer in Iceland and Norway laid the foundation for her dedication to physical well-being.
From 1994 onwards, Margret embarked on a life of travel and exploration, residing in various countries with her family. However, in 1995, a severe accident in Iceland left her with health challenges that surpassed the capabilities of traditional medicine.
Everything changed for Margret in 2005 when she encountered an exceptional practitioner in Iceland who introduced her to the SCIO biofeedback technology. Under this practitioner’s care, her life underwent a remarkable shift, leading her on a path to her own healing.
Intrigued and inspired, Margret purchased her first SCIO device in 2006 and embarked on an incredible journey of knowledge expansion. She found joy and fulfillment in delving deep into the intricacies of the technology, driven by a desire to unlock its potential for healing and transformation.
Margret’s association with the industry began in early 2007 when she joined as a valuable team member, providing assistance with courses and technical support. She considers herself blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with exceptional instructors, whose guidance has made her journey both thrilling and rewarding. In 2007, she became an NTCB/QA instructor, assuming responsibility for training and technical support in Scandinavia and Iceland. Margret’s teaching engagements at the academy in Budapest commenced in 2008, enabling her to share her knowledge and expertise in captivating locations worldwide.
Her affinity for working with animals developed in 2001 when one of her dogs developed epilepsy. Seeking solutions, Margret explored nutrition and alternative methods to enhance animal well-being and manage diseases. While living on the Azores, specifically the Island of Sao Miguel, with her family, she actively engaged in helping homeless and sick animals, even working as an assistant at a veterinarian clinic. This experience transformed Margret’s perspective on life and ignited her own healing process. The resilience and unwavering spirit of animals taught her invaluable lessons about perseverance and hope. To further their mission, her family established an animal organization on the Azores, enabling them to make a greater impact.
Since the fall of 2011, Margret has predominantly resided in Portugal, where she has seized numerous opportunities to work closely with animals, particularly horses. Her time in Portugal has been a catalyst for her continued growth and expertise in animal care.
Margret is an esteemed teacher and instructor at the QX WORLD Health Academy, recognized for her exceptional expertise and profound understanding of biofeedback technologies. Her extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with the QUEX biofeedback technology have made her an invaluable asset to the academy. As a passionate educator, Margret imparts her wisdom and practical insights to students, guiding them on a transformative journey of understanding and mastery in the field of health and wellness. Through her engaging teaching style and dedication to empowering others, Margret continues to inspire aspiring practitioners and contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of biofeedback professionals through her role at the QX WORLD Health Academy.
Margret’s profound personal transformation and the extraordinary impact of the QUEX biofeedback technology have fueled her unwavering passion for sharing knowledge and empowering others. The technology has not only revolutionized her own health but has also introduced her to a network of remarkable individuals who have enriched her life in countless ways.
April 2025
Leer oor ondersteunende idees oor die bestuur van degeneratiewe versteurings, die verbetering van lewenskwaliteit en die bevordering van genesing. Verstaan hoe Quantum Bioterugvoer die vordering van
Leer oor ondersteunende idees oor die bestuur van degeneratiewe versteurings, die verbetering van lewenskwaliteit en die bevordering van genesing. Verstaan hoe Quantum Bioterugvoer die vordering van toestande soos artritis, Parkinson's en Alzheimer's kan vertraag.
9 April 2025 16:30 - 18:00
Neem asseblief kennis dat jy 'n geregistreerde Zoom-rekening sal moet hê om aan hierdie webinar deel te neem. Jy kan hier registreer: Moenie vergeet om by jou QX-rekening aan te meld voordat jy jou kaartjie koop nie, sodat jy toegang tot die opgeneemde vergadering kan kry sodra dit opgelaai is. Neem ook asseblief kennis dat die verkoop van kaartjies 30 minute voor die geskeduleerde begin sal stop.
Margret is a dynamic speaker and trainer with a remarkable journey of personal transformation and a deep passion for helping others. Her sporting background and experience as a handball trainer in Iceland and Norway laid the foundation for her dedication to physical well-being.
From 1994 onwards, Margret embarked on a life of travel and exploration, residing in various countries with her family. However, in 1995, a severe accident in Iceland left her with health challenges that surpassed the capabilities of traditional medicine.
Everything changed for Margret in 2005 when she encountered an exceptional practitioner in Iceland who introduced her to the SCIO biofeedback technology. Under this practitioner’s care, her life underwent a remarkable shift, leading her on a path to her own healing.
Intrigued and inspired, Margret purchased her first SCIO device in 2006 and embarked on an incredible journey of knowledge expansion. She found joy and fulfillment in delving deep into the intricacies of the technology, driven by a desire to unlock its potential for healing and transformation.
Margret’s association with the industry began in early 2007 when she joined as a valuable team member, providing assistance with courses and technical support. She considers herself blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with exceptional instructors, whose guidance has made her journey both thrilling and rewarding. In 2007, she became an NTCB/QA instructor, assuming responsibility for training and technical support in Scandinavia and Iceland. Margret’s teaching engagements at the academy in Budapest commenced in 2008, enabling her to share her knowledge and expertise in captivating locations worldwide.
Her affinity for working with animals developed in 2001 when one of her dogs developed epilepsy. Seeking solutions, Margret explored nutrition and alternative methods to enhance animal well-being and manage diseases. While living on the Azores, specifically the Island of Sao Miguel, with her family, she actively engaged in helping homeless and sick animals, even working as an assistant at a veterinarian clinic. This experience transformed Margret’s perspective on life and ignited her own healing process. The resilience and unwavering spirit of animals taught her invaluable lessons about perseverance and hope. To further their mission, her family established an animal organization on the Azores, enabling them to make a greater impact.
Since the fall of 2011, Margret has predominantly resided in Portugal, where she has seized numerous opportunities to work closely with animals, particularly horses. Her time in Portugal has been a catalyst for her continued growth and expertise in animal care.
Margret is an esteemed teacher and instructor at the QX WORLD Health Academy, recognized for her exceptional expertise and profound understanding of biofeedback technologies. Her extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with the QUEX biofeedback technology have made her an invaluable asset to the academy. As a passionate educator, Margret imparts her wisdom and practical insights to students, guiding them on a transformative journey of understanding and mastery in the field of health and wellness. Through her engaging teaching style and dedication to empowering others, Margret continues to inspire aspiring practitioners and contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of biofeedback professionals through her role at the QX WORLD Health Academy.
Margret’s profound personal transformation and the extraordinary impact of the QUEX biofeedback technology have fueled her unwavering passion for sharing knowledge and empowering others. The technology has not only revolutionized her own health but has also introduced her to a network of remarkable individuals who have enriched her life in countless ways.
Susan Harms het laat in 2004 met haar eerste QX-toestel begin werk. Toe in 2005 begin sy haar rol as die direkteur van Internasionale Ondersteuningsdienste, wat praktisyns gehelp het met tegniese en sagteware-navigasie-ondersteuning vir 'n toonaangewende QX-toestelmakelaar. In 2007 het Susan 'n gesertifiseerde bioterugvoerinstrukteur geword en na baie plekke wêreldwyd gereis om QX-toestelpraktisyns te onderrig.
Susan se belangstelling in gesondheid en welstand het vroeg in die lewe begin en sy werk al meer as dertig jaar in hierdie beroep. Voor haar bekendstelling aan die QXCI, toe SCIO/ Indigo/ Eductor en QUEX-toestelle, het sy agt jaar in 'n omgewingsiekte, gesondheidskliniek, in Nova Scotia, Kanada gewerk.
As 'n holistiese praktisyn het sy verskeie modaliteite en benaderings gebruik, insluitend regeneratiewe voeding, akupunktuur, homeopatie, NAET en JMT tegnieke. Gedurende daardie tyd het sy ook met bioterugvoer kennis gemaak en verskeie verskillende EAV-toesteltegnologieë gebruik. Dit het haar fokusinstrumente geword om kliënte by te staan, om innerlike bewustheid, selfgenesing en verjonging te fasiliteer.
Met twintig jaar ondervinding is Susan 'n magdom inligting wanneer dit by QX-sagtewarenavigasie kom en is meesterlik om die sagteware se verskeie nuanses en eienaardighede te verstaan. Daar was tye wat Susan nou saam met die sagteware-programmeringspan gewerk het om te help om moeilike kwessies en foute op te spoor en op te los. Die gekombineerde ervaring wat opgedoen is uit die verskaffing van tegniese ondersteuning, onderrig, beta-toetsing, sowel as betrokkenheid by die Indigo-toestel se hardeware- en sagteware-ontwikkeling, was van onskatbare waarde. Dit onderskei haar as 'n opvoeder en is duidelik in die kwaliteit en vlak van ondersteuning wat sy aan QX-toestelpraktisyns in haar gemeenskapsnetwerk bied.
24apr16:3017:45 nmBeginnersgids Regstreekse V&A
Excited about the Beginners Guide content but have questions bubbling up? Join Margret and Dr. Faith Nelson for a FREE online Q&A webinar! Share your queries,
Excited about the Beginners Guide content but have questions bubbling up?
Join Margret and Dr. Faith Nelson for a FREE online Q&A webinar! Share your queries, enhance your understanding, and deepen your knowledge.
Neem asseblief kennis dat jy 'n geregistreerde Zoom-rekening sal moet hê om aan hierdie webinar deel te neem. Jy kan registreer hier. Neem ook asseblief kennis dat webinarregistrasie 60 minute voor die geskeduleerde begin sal stop.
Sluit aan by die regstreekse stroom
24 April 2025 16:30 - 17:45 CEST
Dr Faith has been an RN in the health care profession for over 45 years, with emphasis in Allopathic and Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Nelson’s experience crosses all disciplines and areas of expertise in the Alternative and allopathic healthcare fields. She has passionately pursued her interests in Integrative Medicine and acquired exceptional insight and aptitude for the expansive use of Integrative approaches.
She has had a passion for demonstrating these multidisciplinary approaches, blended with a variety of programs in assisting the Body/Mind to relax, de-stress and normalize. She assisted in developing an Integrative Multidisciplinary Clinic within a Mainstream Medical Hospital, utilizing the Quantum Biofeedback device and other alternative therapies for Pain, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation.
Dr. Nelson specializes in bio-therapeutics, electro-medicine and Auriculotherapy. She is certified in the fields of Quantum Biofeedback, Auriculo-therapy, Massage Therapy, Clinical Essential Oils, Reflexology/Acupressure and other Energy Medicine modalities.
Dr. Nelson’s has a PhD in Integrative Medicine and a THD in Spiritual Healing/Energy Medicine.
She lectures and consults Internationally in the field of Integrative Medicine and Holistic Living Principles with Natural methods for bringing balance back to the individual. Currently she is striving to create standards for health professionals in becoming Integrative Healthcare Specialists. She had also been on faculty with IQUIM ( )and has established state of the art interfacing with the quantum biofeedback device for 1:1 tutoring and online courses for the Integrative Healthcare provider courses. Since 1987, Dr Faith has also practiced privately in the field of Integrative Medicine and complements these approaches with the Quantum Biofeedback device. She currently is co-owner of Focus On Health, educating, consulting, and providing alternative healthcare services. She has provided training as a Quantum Biofeedback Diplomate/Instructor in over 12 countries and is now collaborating with QX World to provide updated online trainings and webinar support
Faith’s Licenses, Degrees, Certifications, & Studies Current Licenses:
RN,BSN (Currently active State of Missouri with reciprocity)
Licensed Massage Therapist(Currently active State of Missouri with reciprocity)
Ordained Minister All Faith’s Church Degrees:
RN,BSN South Dakota State University, Brookings,
SD PHD Greenwich University with emphasis Integrative Medicine
THD HOLOS University Spiritual Healing/Energy Medicine Certifications:
Certified Touch for Health/PKP Practitioner
Certified Auriculartherpy/Instructor
Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Instructor
Certified Master Quantum Biofeedback Instructor/IMMUNE
Certified Reiki Master
Margret is a dynamic speaker and trainer with a remarkable journey of personal transformation and a deep passion for helping others. Her sporting background and experience as a handball trainer in Iceland and Norway laid the foundation for her dedication to physical well-being.
From 1994 onwards, Margret embarked on a life of travel and exploration, residing in various countries with her family. However, in 1995, a severe accident in Iceland left her with health challenges that surpassed the capabilities of traditional medicine.
Everything changed for Margret in 2005 when she encountered an exceptional practitioner in Iceland who introduced her to the SCIO biofeedback technology. Under this practitioner’s care, her life underwent a remarkable shift, leading her on a path to her own healing.
Intrigued and inspired, Margret purchased her first SCIO device in 2006 and embarked on an incredible journey of knowledge expansion. She found joy and fulfillment in delving deep into the intricacies of the technology, driven by a desire to unlock its potential for healing and transformation.
Margret’s association with the industry began in early 2007 when she joined as a valuable team member, providing assistance with courses and technical support. She considers herself blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with exceptional instructors, whose guidance has made her journey both thrilling and rewarding. In 2007, she became an NTCB/QA instructor, assuming responsibility for training and technical support in Scandinavia and Iceland. Margret’s teaching engagements at the academy in Budapest commenced in 2008, enabling her to share her knowledge and expertise in captivating locations worldwide.
Her affinity for working with animals developed in 2001 when one of her dogs developed epilepsy. Seeking solutions, Margret explored nutrition and alternative methods to enhance animal well-being and manage diseases. While living on the Azores, specifically the Island of Sao Miguel, with her family, she actively engaged in helping homeless and sick animals, even working as an assistant at a veterinarian clinic. This experience transformed Margret’s perspective on life and ignited her own healing process. The resilience and unwavering spirit of animals taught her invaluable lessons about perseverance and hope. To further their mission, her family established an animal organization on the Azores, enabling them to make a greater impact.
Since the fall of 2011, Margret has predominantly resided in Portugal, where she has seized numerous opportunities to work closely with animals, particularly horses. Her time in Portugal has been a catalyst for her continued growth and expertise in animal care.
Margret is an esteemed teacher and instructor at the QX WORLD Health Academy, recognized for her exceptional expertise and profound understanding of biofeedback technologies. Her extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with the QUEX biofeedback technology have made her an invaluable asset to the academy. As a passionate educator, Margret imparts her wisdom and practical insights to students, guiding them on a transformative journey of understanding and mastery in the field of health and wellness. Through her engaging teaching style and dedication to empowering others, Margret continues to inspire aspiring practitioners and contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of biofeedback professionals through her role at the QX WORLD Health Academy.
Margret’s profound personal transformation and the extraordinary impact of the QUEX biofeedback technology have fueled her unwavering passion for sharing knowledge and empowering others. The technology has not only revolutionized her own health but has also introduced her to a network of remarkable individuals who have enriched her life in countless ways.
Mei 2025
15mag16:306:00 nmAnimal Webinar - May
Join us on our way to explore and elaborate the connection between animals and stomach ulcers. Please note that you will need to have
Join us on our way to explore and elaborate the connection between animals and stomach ulcers.
Neem asseblief kennis dat jy 'n geregistreerde Zoom-rekening sal moet hê om aan hierdie webinar deel te neem. Jy kan registreer hier. Additionally, please note that webinar registration will stop 30 minutes before the scheduled start.
May 15, 2025 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Neem asseblief kennis dat jy 'n geregistreerde Zoom-rekening sal moet hê om aan hierdie webinar deel te neem. Jy kan hier registreer: Moenie vergeet om by jou QX-rekening aan te meld voordat jy jou kaartjie koop nie, sodat jy toegang tot die opgeneemde vergadering kan kry sodra dit opgelaai is. Neem ook asseblief kennis dat die verkoop van kaartjies 30 minute voor die geskeduleerde begin sal stop.
Eiwa was born in 1976 and raised on a farm with 25 horses, some cattle, sheep, ducks, hen, cats and a German Shepard in Denmark. Her horses were different breeds; a Thoroughbred stallion, Danish Oldenburg, Trakehner, Danish warmblood, ponies and mix breeds. The stallion competed for the Danish national team in dressage while the other horses were either broodmares, youngsters, pleasure horses or school horses for disabled people. Since she was very young, she wanted to be a veterinarian. As a rider in her late teens, she got interested in chiropractic and acupuncture because of frustrations evolving from her veterinarian’s lack of ability in helping horses with biomechanical problems. In 2003 she graduated from Vet School, in 2005 from IAVC the Chiropractic school in Germany and in 2016 from the international acupuncture school for veterinarians IVAS. She had additional courses in craniosacral therapy, osteopathy and myofascial release. As a vet she has been employed with companion animals and a bit of cattle but mainly horses. After a few years she found herself struggling ethically with the use of medicine and since then she has been self-employed with alternative medicine especially in horses with a primary focus on biomechanics. Eiwa has been taking courses in esoteric philosophy and other spiritual pathways. Today she lives with her husband, 3 children, 3 icelandic horses, ducks, hen, cats and a Puddle. Since everything works together and internal diseases influence the biomechanic function of the body she has been looking for effective and alternative ways of supporting animals’ wealth – and stumbled over SCIO/Indigo and then Noah.
Margret is a dynamic speaker and trainer with a remarkable journey of personal transformation and a deep passion for helping others. Her sporting background and experience as a handball trainer in Iceland and Norway laid the foundation for her dedication to physical well-being.
From 1994 onwards, Margret embarked on a life of travel and exploration, residing in various countries with her family. However, in 1995, a severe accident in Iceland left her with health challenges that surpassed the capabilities of traditional medicine.
Everything changed for Margret in 2005 when she encountered an exceptional practitioner in Iceland who introduced her to the SCIO biofeedback technology. Under this practitioner’s care, her life underwent a remarkable shift, leading her on a path to her own healing.
Intrigued and inspired, Margret purchased her first SCIO device in 2006 and embarked on an incredible journey of knowledge expansion. She found joy and fulfillment in delving deep into the intricacies of the technology, driven by a desire to unlock its potential for healing and transformation.
Margret’s association with the industry began in early 2007 when she joined as a valuable team member, providing assistance with courses and technical support. She considers herself blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with exceptional instructors, whose guidance has made her journey both thrilling and rewarding. In 2007, she became an NTCB/QA instructor, assuming responsibility for training and technical support in Scandinavia and Iceland. Margret’s teaching engagements at the academy in Budapest commenced in 2008, enabling her to share her knowledge and expertise in captivating locations worldwide.
Her affinity for working with animals developed in 2001 when one of her dogs developed epilepsy. Seeking solutions, Margret explored nutrition and alternative methods to enhance animal well-being and manage diseases. While living on the Azores, specifically the Island of Sao Miguel, with her family, she actively engaged in helping homeless and sick animals, even working as an assistant at a veterinarian clinic. This experience transformed Margret’s perspective on life and ignited her own healing process. The resilience and unwavering spirit of animals taught her invaluable lessons about perseverance and hope. To further their mission, her family established an animal organization on the Azores, enabling them to make a greater impact.
Since the fall of 2011, Margret has predominantly resided in Portugal, where she has seized numerous opportunities to work closely with animals, particularly horses. Her time in Portugal has been a catalyst for her continued growth and expertise in animal care.
Margret is an esteemed teacher and instructor at the QX WORLD Health Academy, recognized for her exceptional expertise and profound understanding of biofeedback technologies. Her extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with the QUEX biofeedback technology have made her an invaluable asset to the academy. As a passionate educator, Margret imparts her wisdom and practical insights to students, guiding them on a transformative journey of understanding and mastery in the field of health and wellness. Through her engaging teaching style and dedication to empowering others, Margret continues to inspire aspiring practitioners and contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of biofeedback professionals through her role at the QX WORLD Health Academy.
Margret’s profound personal transformation and the extraordinary impact of the QUEX biofeedback technology have fueled her unwavering passion for sharing knowledge and empowering others. The technology has not only revolutionized her own health but has also introduced her to a network of remarkable individuals who have enriched her life in countless ways.
21mag16:306:00 nmUnderstanding ADD, ADHD, and HD: Strategies for Effective Management and Support
Uncover new approaches to managing Attention Deficit Disorders through biofeedback methods that enhance focus and reduce symptoms. Explore techniques to improve concentration, reduce hyperactivity,
Uncover new approaches to managing Attention Deficit Disorders through biofeedback methods that enhance focus and reduce symptoms. Explore techniques to improve concentration, reduce hyperactivity, and manage behavioral challenges.
Neem asseblief kennis dat jy 'n geregistreerde Zoom-rekening sal moet hê om aan hierdie webinar deel te neem. Jy kan registreer hier. Additionally, please note that webinar registration will stop 30 minutes before the scheduled start.
May 21, 2025 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Neem asseblief kennis dat jy 'n geregistreerde Zoom-rekening sal moet hê om aan hierdie webinar deel te neem. Jy kan hier registreer: Moenie vergeet om by jou QX-rekening aan te meld voordat jy jou kaartjie koop nie, sodat jy toegang tot die opgeneemde vergadering kan kry sodra dit opgelaai is. Neem ook asseblief kennis dat die verkoop van kaartjies 30 minute voor die geskeduleerde begin sal stop.
Margret is a dynamic speaker and trainer with a remarkable journey of personal transformation and a deep passion for helping others. Her sporting background and experience as a handball trainer in Iceland and Norway laid the foundation for her dedication to physical well-being.
From 1994 onwards, Margret embarked on a life of travel and exploration, residing in various countries with her family. However, in 1995, a severe accident in Iceland left her with health challenges that surpassed the capabilities of traditional medicine.
Everything changed for Margret in 2005 when she encountered an exceptional practitioner in Iceland who introduced her to the SCIO biofeedback technology. Under this practitioner’s care, her life underwent a remarkable shift, leading her on a path to her own healing.
Intrigued and inspired, Margret purchased her first SCIO device in 2006 and embarked on an incredible journey of knowledge expansion. She found joy and fulfillment in delving deep into the intricacies of the technology, driven by a desire to unlock its potential for healing and transformation.
Margret’s association with the industry began in early 2007 when she joined as a valuable team member, providing assistance with courses and technical support. She considers herself blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with exceptional instructors, whose guidance has made her journey both thrilling and rewarding. In 2007, she became an NTCB/QA instructor, assuming responsibility for training and technical support in Scandinavia and Iceland. Margret’s teaching engagements at the academy in Budapest commenced in 2008, enabling her to share her knowledge and expertise in captivating locations worldwide.
Her affinity for working with animals developed in 2001 when one of her dogs developed epilepsy. Seeking solutions, Margret explored nutrition and alternative methods to enhance animal well-being and manage diseases. While living on the Azores, specifically the Island of Sao Miguel, with her family, she actively engaged in helping homeless and sick animals, even working as an assistant at a veterinarian clinic. This experience transformed Margret’s perspective on life and ignited her own healing process. The resilience and unwavering spirit of animals taught her invaluable lessons about perseverance and hope. To further their mission, her family established an animal organization on the Azores, enabling them to make a greater impact.
Since the fall of 2011, Margret has predominantly resided in Portugal, where she has seized numerous opportunities to work closely with animals, particularly horses. Her time in Portugal has been a catalyst for her continued growth and expertise in animal care.
Margret is an esteemed teacher and instructor at the QX WORLD Health Academy, recognized for her exceptional expertise and profound understanding of biofeedback technologies. Her extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with the QUEX biofeedback technology have made her an invaluable asset to the academy. As a passionate educator, Margret imparts her wisdom and practical insights to students, guiding them on a transformative journey of understanding and mastery in the field of health and wellness. Through her engaging teaching style and dedication to empowering others, Margret continues to inspire aspiring practitioners and contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of biofeedback professionals through her role at the QX WORLD Health Academy.
Margret’s profound personal transformation and the extraordinary impact of the QUEX biofeedback technology have fueled her unwavering passion for sharing knowledge and empowering others. The technology has not only revolutionized her own health but has also introduced her to a network of remarkable individuals who have enriched her life in countless ways.
Monika Bölcskei graduated as a junior school teacher and also gained an HR Manager diploma. She is a qualified trainer, coach, action learning facilitator, moderator and coach trainer. She is also a certified Consultant in AQR Mental Toughness Questionnaire, in Life Style and Organizational Culture Inventory. Lately she finished Compassionate Inquiry training and mentorship program designed and led by Gábor Máté MD. She believes in continuous learning and she takes all kind of opportunities to further develop. Monika is pioneer in coaching. She is the first coach in Hungary, who introduced ADHD Coaching, neurofeedback and quantum biofeedback as alternative ways in coaching. She combines all her knowledge and experience in her coaching approach. Monika is passionate with the latest technological achievements and has been working with QX ED since 2020 on.
28mag16:3017:45 nmIntermediate & Advanced Live Q&A Webinar
Excited about the Intermediate and Advanced Guides’ content but have questions bubbling up? Join Susan Harms and Margret Margretardottir for a FREE online Q&A webinar!
Excited about the Intermediate and Advanced Guides’ content but have questions bubbling up?
Sluit aan by Susan Harms en Margret Margretardottir vir 'n GRATIS aanlyn V&A-webinaar! Deel jou navrae, verbeter jou begrip en verdiep jou kennis.
Neem asseblief kennis dat jy 'n geregistreerde Zoom-rekening sal moet hê om aan hierdie webinar deel te neem. Jy kan registreer hier. Neem ook asseblief kennis dat webinarregistrasie 60 minute voor die geskeduleerde begin sal stop.
Sluit aan by die regstreekse stroom
May 28, 2025 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm CEST
Margret is a dynamic speaker and trainer with a remarkable journey of personal transformation and a deep passion for helping others. Her sporting background and experience as a handball trainer in Iceland and Norway laid the foundation for her dedication to physical well-being.
From 1994 onwards, Margret embarked on a life of travel and exploration, residing in various countries with her family. However, in 1995, a severe accident in Iceland left her with health challenges that surpassed the capabilities of traditional medicine.
Everything changed for Margret in 2005 when she encountered an exceptional practitioner in Iceland who introduced her to the SCIO biofeedback technology. Under this practitioner’s care, her life underwent a remarkable shift, leading her on a path to her own healing.
Intrigued and inspired, Margret purchased her first SCIO device in 2006 and embarked on an incredible journey of knowledge expansion. She found joy and fulfillment in delving deep into the intricacies of the technology, driven by a desire to unlock its potential for healing and transformation.
Margret’s association with the industry began in early 2007 when she joined as a valuable team member, providing assistance with courses and technical support. She considers herself blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with exceptional instructors, whose guidance has made her journey both thrilling and rewarding. In 2007, she became an NTCB/QA instructor, assuming responsibility for training and technical support in Scandinavia and Iceland. Margret’s teaching engagements at the academy in Budapest commenced in 2008, enabling her to share her knowledge and expertise in captivating locations worldwide.
Her affinity for working with animals developed in 2001 when one of her dogs developed epilepsy. Seeking solutions, Margret explored nutrition and alternative methods to enhance animal well-being and manage diseases. While living on the Azores, specifically the Island of Sao Miguel, with her family, she actively engaged in helping homeless and sick animals, even working as an assistant at a veterinarian clinic. This experience transformed Margret’s perspective on life and ignited her own healing process. The resilience and unwavering spirit of animals taught her invaluable lessons about perseverance and hope. To further their mission, her family established an animal organization on the Azores, enabling them to make a greater impact.
Since the fall of 2011, Margret has predominantly resided in Portugal, where she has seized numerous opportunities to work closely with animals, particularly horses. Her time in Portugal has been a catalyst for her continued growth and expertise in animal care.
Margret is an esteemed teacher and instructor at the QX WORLD Health Academy, recognized for her exceptional expertise and profound understanding of biofeedback technologies. Her extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with the QUEX biofeedback technology have made her an invaluable asset to the academy. As a passionate educator, Margret imparts her wisdom and practical insights to students, guiding them on a transformative journey of understanding and mastery in the field of health and wellness. Through her engaging teaching style and dedication to empowering others, Margret continues to inspire aspiring practitioners and contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of biofeedback professionals through her role at the QX WORLD Health Academy.
Margret’s profound personal transformation and the extraordinary impact of the QUEX biofeedback technology have fueled her unwavering passion for sharing knowledge and empowering others. The technology has not only revolutionized her own health but has also introduced her to a network of remarkable individuals who have enriched her life in countless ways.
Susan Harms het laat in 2004 met haar eerste QX-toestel begin werk. Toe in 2005 begin sy haar rol as die direkteur van Internasionale Ondersteuningsdienste, wat praktisyns gehelp het met tegniese en sagteware-navigasie-ondersteuning vir 'n toonaangewende QX-toestelmakelaar. In 2007 het Susan 'n gesertifiseerde bioterugvoerinstrukteur geword en na baie plekke wêreldwyd gereis om QX-toestelpraktisyns te onderrig.
Susan se belangstelling in gesondheid en welstand het vroeg in die lewe begin en sy werk al meer as dertig jaar in hierdie beroep. Voor haar bekendstelling aan die QXCI, toe SCIO/ Indigo/ Eductor en QUEX-toestelle, het sy agt jaar in 'n omgewingsiekte, gesondheidskliniek, in Nova Scotia, Kanada gewerk.
As 'n holistiese praktisyn het sy verskeie modaliteite en benaderings gebruik, insluitend regeneratiewe voeding, akupunktuur, homeopatie, NAET en JMT tegnieke. Gedurende daardie tyd het sy ook met bioterugvoer kennis gemaak en verskeie verskillende EAV-toesteltegnologieë gebruik. Dit het haar fokusinstrumente geword om kliënte by te staan, om innerlike bewustheid, selfgenesing en verjonging te fasiliteer.
Met twintig jaar ondervinding is Susan 'n magdom inligting wanneer dit by QX-sagtewarenavigasie kom en is meesterlik om die sagteware se verskeie nuanses en eienaardighede te verstaan. Daar was tye wat Susan nou saam met die sagteware-programmeringspan gewerk het om te help om moeilike kwessies en foute op te spoor en op te los. Die gekombineerde ervaring wat opgedoen is uit die verskaffing van tegniese ondersteuning, onderrig, beta-toetsing, sowel as betrokkenheid by die Indigo-toestel se hardeware- en sagteware-ontwikkeling, was van onskatbare waarde. Dit onderskei haar as 'n opvoeder en is duidelik in die kwaliteit en vlak van ondersteuning wat sy aan QX-toestelpraktisyns in haar gemeenskapsnetwerk bied.
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